How to remove Windows 7 is not genuine 0xC004F200
First time your computer is set up from the computer shop and it is working properly. The windows they installed for you is not a genuine version. After installing Windows update KB971033.
Every time you start pc you always see the annoying screen.
When you right click on My Computer you see as below. "You must activate today..."
Step 1: Disconnect internet
Step 2: Go to Control Panel > Uninstall a program > Click View installed updates
Under Microsoft Windows > Find KB971033 > and Uninstall this update.
Step 3: Turn off Windows Updates
Go to Control Panel> Windows update > Change setting and select"Never check for updates" > OK
Step 4: Rearm Windows
Click Start > Type "cmd" > Right-click on cmd > Choose Run as administrator
Type in > slmgr -rearm then reboot your pc. You're done.
NOTE: After restarting the pc you'll see Windows is activated. By right-clicking on My Computer and choose Properties. Make sure your computer is not "Turn on Windows update" by verifying Step 3.